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Employee Engagement in Healthcare

Investing in employees' growth boosts engagement, enhances recruitment and retention, and ensures strategic success.

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Your Employees Are Your Greatest Asset in Implementing Strategic Change

The best laid and most strategic plans for transformation are ineffective without a deeply engaged and committed workforce.

True organizational transformation is only possible when we develop our people as well as our processes.

We must invest in our employees' growth and development to increase engagement, improve recruitment and retention, and ensure the success of our key strategic initiatives.


Level Ten team discussing presentation on laptop
Dark right arrow on yellow background  Increase Employee Engagement
Dark right arrow on yellow background  Improve Patient Experience
Dark right arrow on yellow background  Inspire Operational Innovation

Building Employee Engagement and improving your organizational culture is essential to your success

Great employees who join a vibrant, engaged culture experience higher job satisfaction and deliver better patient outcomes — increasing patient loyalty and your health system's bottom line.

Pie chart visual with blue and yellow showing 69%


of employees are more likely to stay with a company for three years if they experienced great onboarding

Pie chart visual with blue and yellow showing 61%


of employees say trust between themselves and senior management is very important to job satisfaction

Pie chart visual with blue and yellow showing 87%


of employees who are committed and engaged at work are less likely to leave their current company

We can help you build a thriving organizational culture by strategically building engagement in key stages of the employee journey helping you to attract ideal cultural fits and retain your best talent.

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The Seven Stages of Employee Engagement

Level Ten Seven Stages of Employee Engagement Ebook - Preview


A healthy, thriving organizational culture doesn't happen by default, it happens by design.

Our “Seven Stages of Employee Engagement” framework gives you a roadmap for building engagement through every major employee touchpoint: hiring, welcoming, connecting, balancing, rewarding, inspiring, and serving.

Through touchpoint and communication mapping, you can ensure you are building a robust employee experience that attracts top talent and builds deep loyalty and engagement among your existing staff so you can continue to deliver a world-class patient experience, live your mission, and make a deep, lasting impact within the community.

Take a look through each of the seven stages. How is your organization doing? Have you intentionally created a meaningful employee experience in each key stage?


Create a Holistic Plan for Employee Engagement

To increase employee engagement and assist with retention, you need a comprehensive and holistic approach to employee experience design that strategically builds engagement in each stage of the employee journey.

One-off events and sporadic initiatives fall flat as employees can sense we're not truly invested in their success.

We must intentionally create a well-defined, employee-centric company culture that charts a plan for our employees' growth and development at every step and creates the ideal conditions for them to provide exceptional patient care.


LevelTen Healthcare

Employee Engagement in Healthcare Organizations

Employee engagement refers to the emotional commitment and dedication that employees have towards their organizations. In healthcare settings, this translates to the level of involvement and enthusiasm healthcare professionals exhibit towards their roles and responsibilities. The importance of employee engagement in healthcare cannot be overstated. When healthcare workers are engaged, patient outcomes improve, job satisfaction increases, and operational efficiency is enhanced.

Statistics demonstrate the significant impact of employee engagement in health systems. Engaged healthcare employees are 87% less likely to leave their organizations, leading to reduced turnover costs and increased continuity of care. Moreover, hospitals with higher employee engagement scores have been found to achieve up to a 26% higher patient satisfaction rate. This underscores the pivotal role of engaged staff in creating positive patient experiences.

Leaders in healthcare organizations must prioritize improving the employee experience. By fostering a work environment that values and supports employees, leaders can boost morale, job satisfaction, and overall engagement. A focus on employee engagement can lead to enhanced teamwork, better communication, and a shared commitment to providing exceptional patient care.

The role of employee engagement in healthcare organizations is multifaceted. Engaged employees are more likely to go the extra mile, leading to improved patient outcomes. They also contribute to a culture of continuous improvement, resulting in increased operational efficiency and better quality of care. Employee engagement is not just a buzzword; it is a fundamental factor that shapes the success of healthcare institutions.

Employee Engagement Programs

Building an effective employee engagement program for hospitals requires careful planning and strategy. Employee engagement solutions encompass a variety of initiatives aimed at creating a positive and supportive work environment. These can range from wellness programs to professional development opportunities, all designed to enhance employee satisfaction and commitment.

Creating a tailored employee engagement strategy is vital. It involves identifying the unique needs of your healthcare organization and developing initiatives that address those needs directly. Regular feedback and open communication channels play a crucial role in refining and optimizing engagement efforts.

Common approaches to building employee engagement in healthcare include offering opportunities for skill development, fostering mentorship programs, and providing a clear path for career advancement. Employee engagement initiatives should be aligned with the organization's mission and values to create a sense of purpose among staff.

The goals of employee engagement initiatives in healthcare are multifaceted. These initiatives aim to improve job satisfaction, reduce burnout, enhance teamwork, and increase productivity. By fostering a culture of engagement, healthcare organizations can ultimately deliver higher quality care and better patient experiences.

Increasing Employee Engagement

Human resources leaders play a pivotal role in improving the employee experience in healthcare organizations. They are responsible for designing and implementing strategies that attract, retain, and motivate healthcare professionals. One critical aspect is the role of benefits and competitive compensation. Offering competitive salary packages and comprehensive benefits not only attracts top talent but also demonstrates the organization's commitment to the well-being of its employees.

Recognition programs are another powerful tool for increasing employee engagement. Regularly acknowledging and appreciating healthcare workers' efforts fosters a sense of value and belonging. When recognition is tied to specific achievements and behaviors, it reinforces the desired work culture and motivates others to excel.

The types of recognition and rewards offered to healthcare employees should be meaningful and aligned with their preferences. Personalized approaches, such as providing opportunities for career growth or flexible work arrangements, can go a long way in boosting engagement. Additionally, leadership development initiatives can empower healthcare professionals to take on more significant responsibilities, increasing their engagement and sense of ownership.

Employee Engagement for Physicians and Nurse Leaders

Increasing employee engagement among nurses and physicians requires specific approaches tailored to their roles. Encouraging autonomy, fostering collaborative decision-making, and offering opportunities for professional development are key strategies for engaging these critical healthcare professionals.

Employee engagement initiatives not only improve the working conditions for healthcare providers but also have a direct impact on patient care. By reducing provider burnout, healthcare organizations can ensure that physicians and nurses are mentally and emotionally equipped to provide high-quality care consistently.

Furthermore, increasing employee engagement enhances the patient experience. Engaged healthcare professionals are more likely to communicate effectively, show empathy, and provide patient-centered care. This, in turn, leads to better patient outcomes and higher patient satisfaction rates.

Statistics highlight the positive correlation between increasing employee engagement and decreasing provider turnover. Healthcare organizations that invest in engagement initiatives benefit from reduced recruitment and training costs, as well as improved patient care continuity.

Employee Engagement Outcomes

Supporting employees through effective engagement initiatives creates a healthy organizational culture where teamwork, communication, and collaboration thrive. This not only improves employee satisfaction but also lays the foundation for positive patient experiences.

Employee engagement initiatives have a direct impact on employee retention and loyalty. When healthcare professionals feel valued and invested in, they are more likely to stay with the organization for the long term, reducing turnover and associated costs.

Moreover, increasing employee engagement leads to decreased errors and heightened staff productivity. Engaged employees are more committed to following best practices and adhering to protocols, resulting in safer and more efficient patient care.

Investing in employee engagement initiatives pays off in multiple ways. It enhances patient care by fostering a workforce that is emotionally connected to their roles, resulting in improved patient outcomes, superior customer service, and overall quality of care. Additionally, by decreasing turnover and boosting employee morale, engagement initiatives contribute to increased operational efficiency and decreased operational costs.

The significance of employee engagement in healthcare organizations cannot be understated. From reducing turnover and enhancing patient experiences to improving staff productivity and operational efficiency, employee engagement initiatives are central to creating a thriving and successful healthcare environment. By prioritizing employee engagement, healthcare organizations can create a virtuous cycle of better care, happier staff, and improved outcomes.

To explore bringing an employee engagement initiative to your health system contact our team. 

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At Level Ten Healthcare Advisors, we take time to understand your needs. We create a customized roadmap that guides you to build success at your pace. Our team of healthcare advisors works as your partner—defining and advancing strategic priorities that transform your organization today and tomorrow.