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Healthcare Recruitment

Innovate old strategies, increase engagement, and attract and retain top talent by leveraging your core identity and taking an employee-centric approach to recruitment.

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Regain Momentum with a Fresh Approach to Recruitment

We get it — in 36 years of solving challenges for our healthcare clients, we've seen the impact of radical changes in the industry. On top of working to improve patient care, today you're fighting against staffing shortages, employee burnout, and skyrocketing employment costs.

We know you need solutions that address all sides of the talent equation: recruitment, retention, and engagement.

Strategically and comprehensively addressing employment is the key to sustainability, fulfilling your organization's mission, and delivering an outstanding patient experience.


Jon Headlee and Jennifer Horton Speaking
Dark right arrow on yellow background  Instill Personal + Team Resilience
Dark right arrow on yellow background  Increase Employee Engagement
Dark right arrow on yellow background  Improve Patient Experience
Dark right arrow on yellow background  Inspire Operational Innovation

Developing your leaders and improving your organizational culture is essential to your success

Great employees who join a vibrant, engaged culture experience higher job satisfaction and deliver better patient outcomes — increasing patient loyalty and your health system's bottom line.

Pie chart visual with blue and yellow showing 69%


of employees are more likely to stay with a company for three years if they experienced great onboarding

Pie chart visual with blue and yellow showing 61%


of employees say trust between themselves and senior management is very important to job satisfaction

Pie chart visual with blue and yellow showing 87%


of employees who are committed and engaged at work are less likely to leave their current company

We can help you build a thriving organizational culture by redesigning your recruitment strategy to attract ideal cultural fits and recreating the employee experience to help retain your best talent.

Level Ten - Sunrise Swoosh

Is it time for a Recruitment Strategy Redesign?

If you're struggling to recruit and retain exceptional talent, you're not alone.

In over 30 years of solving challenges for our healthcare clients, we've seen the impact of radical changes in the industry.

On top of working to improve patient care, today you're fighting against staffing shortages, employee burnout, and skyrocketing employment costs. We know you need solutions that address all sides of the talent equation: Recruitment, Retention, and Engagement.

Let's assess where you are and help you make a plan to strategically and comprehensively improve recruitment and engagement at your health system.

Redesigning Recruitment

Let's take the first step toward creative a more holistic approach to recruitment and gather all stakeholders and leaders to cast the vision of a new future for recruitment and retention in your organization.

Together, in partnership, we'll develop a comprehensive employee engagement and recruitment strategy that's attuned to your employees' and candidates' needs.

Then, we'll activate and implement long-term strategies to make your organization a top destination for employees to build a meaningful life and career.


Healthcare Recruitment.

Healthcare Recruitment

Healthcare recruitment involves the intricate process of identifying, attracting, and selecting qualified individuals to fill various roles within the healthcare sector. From nurses and physicians to administrative staff and support personnel, healthcare recruitment plays a pivotal role in ensuring a high-quality healthcare workforce. Attracting top talent to your health system is essential for providing exceptional patient care and maintaining the reputation of your institution.

Human resources (HR) professionals are at the forefront of healthcare recruitment efforts. They meticulously review resumes, conduct interviews, and assess candidates' suitability for the demanding roles within healthcare settings. The role of HR goes beyond mere hiring; it extends to creating an environment that fosters growth, job satisfaction, and employee retention.

In recent times, healthcare recruitment and retention have encountered significant challenges. Factors such as an aging population, an increasing demand for healthcare services, and the ongoing need for specialized skills have contributed to a competitive landscape for attracting skilled professionals. Crafting a comprehensive recruitment strategy is no longer an option but a necessity.

The COVID-19 pandemic further disrupted the healthcare recruitment landscape. Employee mindsets shifted as remote work and health concerns gained prominence. This change forced healthcare institutions to adapt their recruitment strategies to cater to these new preferences.

Healthcare Recruitment Strategies

The goals of healthcare recruitment encompass not only filling vacancies but also ensuring a diverse, skilled, and engaged workforce that contributes positively to patient care. To achieve these goals, a well-defined healthcare recruitment plan is essential. This plan outlines the entire recruitment process, from candidate sourcing and selection to onboarding and retention strategies.

Recruitment strategies for hospitals need to be multifaceted. They should include a mix of traditional methods, such as job boards and referrals, along with modern approaches like social media recruitment and partnerships with educational institutions. Effective recruitment strategies in healthcare involve clearly defining job roles, emphasizing the organization's values and mission, and offering competitive compensation and benefits packages.

Staying up-to-date of the latest recruitment trends and strategies in healthcare is crucial. As technology evolves, so do candidate preferences and expectations. Leveraging artificial intelligence, data analytics, and predictive modeling can streamline the recruitment process and improve the quality of hires. Moreover, new approaches for healthcare recruitment, such as gamification and virtual reality simulations, are emerging as innovative ways to engage candidates.

Recruiting for healthcare professionals in a post-pandemic economy requires a sensitive approach. Organizations must recognize the emotional toll of the pandemic on healthcare workers and provide support accordingly. Employee engagement initiatives play a significant role in improving healthcare recruitment. By offering wellness programs, flexible work arrangements, and opportunities for professional development, healthcare institutions can attract and retain top talent.

Recruiting for Physicians and Nurse Leaders

Recruiting physicians and nurse leaders demands a tailored approach due to the specialized nature of their roles. Competitive employee benefits, such as comprehensive healthcare coverage, student loan repayment assistance, and opportunities for research and continuing education, can attract these professionals. Promoting work-life balance is equally vital, as physicians and nurse leaders often face demanding schedules.

Preventing burnout is a top priority when recruiting healthcare providers. Long hours and high-stress environments put healthcare workers at risk of burnout, which can lead to decreased job satisfaction and productivity as well as significant errors in patient care and outcomes. Offering support through mental health services, peer support groups, and regular breaks can mitigate burnout and increase retention rates.

Recruitment incentives, such as signing bonuses and relocation assistance, sweeten the deal for healthcare providers considering joining a new institution. These incentives acknowledge the commitment and dedication required in healthcare roles while helping candidates transition smoothly.

How to Improve Healthcare Recruitment

Boosting recruitment efforts through employer branding is a powerful strategy. Your health system's employer brand reflects its reputation, culture, and values. Candidates are more likely to be drawn to an organization that aligns with their personal and professional aspirations. Healthcare employer branding involves showcasing your institution's commitment to patient care, innovation, and employee well-being.

Crafting a strong employee value proposition (EVP) is a cornerstone of successful healthcare recruitment. An EVP communicates the unique benefits of working for your health system, highlighting opportunities for growth, work-life balance, and the chance to make a meaningful impact. By clearly articulating your EVP, you can attract candidates who resonate with your organization's values.

Enhancing employee engagement and retention directly influences healthcare recruitment. A compelling, healthy organizational culture can be a decisive factor for candidates evaluating job offers. A culture of collaboration, open communication, and continuous learning fosters a sense of belonging and job satisfaction among healthcare professionals.

Healthcare Recruitment Outcomes

Succeeding in healthcare recruitment results in a well-rounded, capable workforce that positively impacts patient care and organizational success. Effective healthcare recruitment strategies lead to decreased turnover rates, lower cost-per-hire, and decreased time-per-hire. These metrics are influenced by a strong employer brand, as it attracts candidates who are aligned with the organization's culture and values.

Attracting ideal cultural fits to your healthcare organization contributes to a harmonious work environment. When employees share the same values and goals, teamwork and collaboration flourish. This, in turn, enhances patient care and overall organizational performance.

Engaging top talent to join your healthcare organization requires a combination of compelling recruitment strategies and an appealing employer brand. A robust healthcare recruitment strategy not only fills vacancies but also cultivates a pipeline of talent that will lead the organization to future success.

Healthcare recruitment is a multifaceted process crucial for building and maintaining a high-performing healthcare workforce. By embracing effective recruitment strategies, promoting an attractive employer brand, and focusing on employee engagement, healthcare institutions can navigate the challenges of recruiting and retaining skilled professionals in a dynamic and evolving industry.

To explore crafting a comprehensive recruitment and engagement strategy for your health system contact our team. 

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At Level Ten Healthcare Advisors, we take time to understand your needs. We create a customized roadmap that guides you to build success at your pace. Our team of healthcare advisors works as your partner—defining and advancing strategic priorities that transform your organization today and tomorrow.